Webmasters, make it easy for our users to add your web site to their homepage!
They will be ten times more likely to add a link to your web site if you make it easy for them.
This is a FREE service. We highly recommend coupling it with paid advertising.
This will get you visitors that keep coming back!
Read the info below, then click on one of the options at the bottom of this page to generate coding to place on your website.
Then when our users are at your website, they can simply click on the link, and a link to your web site will be added to their homepage.
First you need to decide if you want to make an image button, or a text button.
While image buttons are better, you will need to create an image and store it somewhere.
text buttons are fast and easy, but not as compelling as an image button.
This is a button that goes on our users homepage for them to use to get to your web site.
It is not an ad or banner.
An image must be 150 pixels wide X 50 pixels tall.
A text button can not exceed 20 characters.
Examples of image buttons
Examples of text buttons
Bank of America Google Facebook
Please select one.
Image button
Text button